Wednesday, 6 December 2017

Day One

Been thinking about this a while but never found the time to get started. But I've just been made redundant after 10 years in the same job so I've decided to take the leap and start blogging.

I'm a mum to 2 boys and I feel like I've reached a new stage in family life - in a few short months I'll have 2 teenagers in the house and suddenly how we spend time as a family has changed and it's getting harder to find ways they want to spend time with the aged parents.

I wanted to start this as a way of recording some of our days out and holidays so that we have something to look back on and remember. Amazing how often we say to the boys about a family holiday - do you remember when ....? and the answer is No! And it has recently starting dawning on me that the days when they want to do anything with their parents are numbered.

I'm not a writer and I've never done anything like this before, so I've no idea if anyone else will ever want to read my ramblings, but maybe some of my days out reviews will be interesting to parents looking for things to do. So here goes .....

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